A downloadable plugin

joypad.io is meant to ease the pain of integrating controller support into your games. By relying on default HID device drivers and parsing raw USB data for any unrecognized devices, this plugin allows you to add support for mainstream game controllers and any gaming USB devices. This includes allowing you to use rumble features if your controller supports it.

Current Status:
joypad.io is currently in development by David Laskey and is in early alpha. Currently only OSX is supported with Windows support on the way. With each desktop platform release, the goal will be to at LEAST have basic button/axis support for controllers, and if possible expose the rumble interface. Rumble currently works on 360/XB1 controllers on OSX, but DS3/DS4 devices are proving difficult. Hopefully solutions will come in the future.

Below is the roadmap for planned released features/platforms, then desired bonus features/platforms.


  • Windows (in development)
  • Linux


  • Console Platforms
  • Exposed Motion Sensor API (for DS3/DS4)
  • Exposed LED API (for 360/XB1/DS3/DS4)